Thursday, December 5, 2019

REST Adapter in OIC

How to use REST Adapter in OIC.?

Login to Console and Navigate to Integrations.

Navigate to Connections.

Select the REST Adapter in Create Connections.

Since we want to expose our integration as REST, Select the Role as Trigger.
If we wanted to invoke a rest adapter, we would create with Role as "Invoke".

There is nothing to configure, so just Test and Save the connection.

Now we have to create the Integration and use the Connection.

 Select App Driven Orchestration.

Select the Connection you have created above.

 Now we have to configure the Input/Output format along with endpoint as shown below.
I'm receiving 2 string elements as input and responding XML element as output.

Note: You can Configure the action as POST too, which will give you option to accept the request as XML,JASON types as well.

Once the configuration is done. Click on the Map to edit the output.

 Enable the Tracing and activate the Integration.

Hello World Program with SOAP Adapter - Click Here
Invoke REST Adapter - Click Here

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